-Dec 11, 20182 minBREXIT THE MUSICALBREXIT THE MUSICAL by Conrad Armstrong & The Last Living Punks In lieu of the postponed 'meaningless' parliamentary vote on Theresa May's...
-Feb 10, 20171 minVICIOUS DAILY 2016In the early part of 2016, before Brexit and Trump transpired, Conrad Armstrong was vexed with the machinations happening in the Western...
-Sep 18, 20163 minSUNDAY SERVICE - SAATCHI GALLERYIn September 2016 Conrad Armstrong VC showed a series of works called TENSION at The Saatchi Gallery in London. The works were a response...
-Sep 15, 20161 minTENSIONTENSION is a short Film by Conrad Armstrong and Katia Ganfield. The film accompanies Conrad's latest Exhibition TENSION at The Saatchi...
Ben PalmerJun 16, 20152 minMILESTONES - 1.Milestone 1. 16.07.15 London – Paris. A short march compounded my aches. I must endeavour to keep up my momentum and burgeoning...