Oct 27, 2015


Updated: May 22, 2020

In Tribute of the 2nd Anniversary of Lou Reed's death Conrad Armstrong and Vicious Collective organised an evening to celebrate the living legacy of Lou Reed's work.

Brian Eno said 'The first Velvet Underground album only sold 10,000 copies, but everyone who bought it formed a band'.

Our tribute to Lou Reed shows how this original drop in the ocean has rippled, spread and grown through the generations, now reaching millions of people and continuing to inspire them to do the same.

The event was held at Saint John on Bethnal Green on the 27th October 2015.

Video shot and edited by Matt Robinson.

00:06 >>> The Ostrich - PROM

03:44 >>> I'm Waiting for the Man - LeBaron, Armstrong, Hamblin, Wild

08:57 >>> Walk on the Wild Side - ACM

12:56 >>> Black Angel Death Song - Armstrong, Hamblin, Wild

16:04 >>> After Hours - Avante Black

19:19 >>> Vicious - Santa Semeli & The Monks

#loureed #velvetunderground #tribute #acm #prom #avanteblack #santasemeli #conradarmstrong